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Zespół: Green Carnation

- w wieściach

wywiady: (1)

- Green Carnation (6.07.2006)

relacje z koncertów Green Carnation: (1)

- Anathema, Carpathian Forest, Green Carnation, Warszawa "Proxima" 30.01.2003 (3.02.2004)

galeria zdjęć z koncertów Green Carnation: (1)

- Green Carnation, Kraków "Studio TVP Krzemionki" 31.01.2004 (7.03.2004)

recenzje płyt Green Carnation: (3)

- Green Carnation "The Acoustic Verses" (3.10.2011)
- Green Carnation "A Blessing In Disguise" (11.11.2003)
- Green Carnation "Journey to the End of the Night" (16.04.2001)

dyskografia Green Carnation: (4)

- Green Carnation "Leaves of Yesteryear" (8.05.2020)
- Green Carnation "The Acoustic Verses" (2006)
- Green Carnation "A Blessing In Disguise" (2003)
- Green Carnation "Journey to the End of the Night" (2000)

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