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Autor - don Corpseone
autor: don Corpseone
(zobacz profil - donCorpseone)
recenzje płyt: (11)
- Acid Drinkers "25 Cents For A Riff" (24.10.2014)
- Acid Drinkers "La Part Du Diable" (28.10.2012)
- Acid Drinkers "Verses of Steel" (16.07.2008)
- Alice In Chains "Black Gives Way To Blue" (26.07.2010)
- Alice In Chains "The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here" (27.05.2013)
- Deep Purple "Stormbringer" (5.06.2012)
- Depeche Mode "Delta Machine" (4.04.2013)
- Kult "Prosto" (13.05.2013)
- Manowar "The Lord Of Steel" (6.10.2012)
- Nile "At the Gate of Sethu" (8.10.2012)
- Slash "Slash" (6.06.2010)
recenzje płyt: (11)
- Acid Drinkers "25 Cents For A Riff" (24.10.2014)
- Acid Drinkers "La Part Du Diable" (28.10.2012)
- Acid Drinkers "Verses of Steel" (16.07.2008)
- Alice In Chains "Black Gives Way To Blue" (26.07.2010)
- Alice In Chains "The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here" (27.05.2013)
- Deep Purple "Stormbringer" (5.06.2012)
- Depeche Mode "Delta Machine" (4.04.2013)
- Kult "Prosto" (13.05.2013)
- Manowar "The Lord Of Steel" (6.10.2012)
- Nile "At the Gate of Sethu" (8.10.2012)
- Slash "Slash" (6.06.2010)
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