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Zespół: Gamma Ray

- wieści z tagiem Gamma Ray (22)

- w wieściach

relacje z koncertów Gamma Ray: (2)

- Mystic Festival 2002, Katowice "Spodek" 26.11.2002 (20.11.2002)
- Helloween, Gamma Ray, Shadowside, Warszawa "Stodoła" 27.03.2013 (7.04.2013)

galeria zdjęć z koncertów Gamma Ray: (8)

- Gamma Ray ("Masters Of Rock 2015"), Vizovice 12.07.2015 (22.07.2015)
- Gamma Ray, Kraków "Studio" 26.03.2013 (2.04.2013)
- Gamma Ray ("Zimni Masters Of Rock 2011"), Zlin "Zimni Stadion Lud'ka Cajky" 26.11.2011 (1.12.2011)
- Gamma Ray, Kraków "Kwadrat" 25.11.2011 (30.11.2011)
- Gamma Ray ("Noc Plna Hvezd 2011"), Trzyniec "Stadion Borek" 24.06.2011 (23.07.2011)
- Masters of Rock 2006 (Rage, Helloween + Gamma Ray, Helloween, Gamma Ray), Czechy 14-16.07.2006 (21.07.2006)
- Bang Your Head 2005 (Gamma Ray), Balingen "Messegelande Balingen" 24.06.2005 (24.07.2005)
- Mystic Festival 2002, Katowice "Spodek" 26.10.2002 (23.11.2002)

recenzje płyt Gamma Ray: (4)

- Gamma Ray "Hell Yeah! The Awesome Foursome (And The Finnish Keyboarder Who Didn't Want To Wear His Donald Duck Costume) Live in Montreal" (12.11.2008)
- Gamma Ray "Land Of The Free" (26.12.2000)
- Gamma Ray "No World Order" (13.12.2001)
- Gamma Ray "Powerplant" (8.10.1999)

dyskografia Gamma Ray: (12)

- Gamma Ray "I Will Return" (27.06.2014)
- Gamma Ray "Empire Of The Undead" (28.03.2014)
- Gamma Ray "Master Of Confusion (EP)" (15.03.2013)
- Gamma Ray "Hell Yeah! The Awesome Foursome (And The Finnish Keyboarder Who Didn't Want To Wear His Donald Duck Costume) Live in Montreal" (2008)
- Gamma Ray "Heading For The East" (2003)
- Gamma Ray "Lust For Live" (2003)
- Gamma Ray "Skeletons In The Closet - Live" (2003)
- Gamma Ray "No World Order" (2001)
- Gamma Ray "Blast From The Past" (2000)
- Gamma Ray "Powerplant" (1999)
- Gamma Ray "Alive 95" (1996)
- Gamma Ray "Land Of The Free" (1995)