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Cradle Of Filth "The Screaming of the Valkyries"

Materiały dotyczące zespołu
Recenzje Cradle Of Filth
"Bitter Suites to Succubi"
autor: Shagrath
"Cruelty and the Beast"
autor: xMad
"Cruelty and the Beast"
autor: Shagrath
"Cruelty and the Beast"
autor: Margaret
"Cruelty and the Beast"
autor: Ulver
"Cryptoriana - The Seductiveness of Decay"
autor: Megakruk
"Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa"
autor: EmilRegis
"Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa"
autor: Megakruk
"Dusk and Her Embrace"
autor: Margaret
"Dusk and Her Embrace"
autor: Shagrath
"Dusk and Her Embrace"
autor: szalony KaPelusznik
"From the Cradle to Enslave"
autor: Kornik
"From the Cradle to Enslave"
autor: DaemonVII
"Hammer of the Witches"
autor: Megakruk
autor: Kane
autor: Kłosu
autor: Margaret
autor: Midian
autor: Shagrath
"The Principle of Evil Made Flesh"
autor: Skookie
autor: RJF
autor: Cemetary Slut