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Autor - mjr

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autor: mjr

wywiady: (1)

- Vital Remains (2.11.2005)

relacje z koncertów: (12)

- Gutting 4 Europe Tour 2006 (Monstrosity, Deeds Of Flesh, Vile i Impaled), Warszawa "Progresja" 23.03.2006 (11.05.2006)
- AssassiNation European Tour (Krisiun, Devious i Tehace), Warszawa "Progresja" 11.03.2006 (6.04.2006)
- The Ultimate Domination Tour 2006 (Cryptopsy, Grave, Dew-Scented, Aborted, Vesania i Hurtlocker), Warszawa 31.01.2006 (21.02.2006)
- Those Still Loyal European Tour 2006 (Bolt Thrower, Malevolent Creation, Nightrage i Necrophagist), Warszawa 9.01.2006 (19.01.2006)
- Supreme Lord, Chaosphere, Core i Extremist, Warszawa "Progresja" 2.12.2005 (12.12.2005)
- Vital Remains, Forlorn Legacy, Resurrecturis, Trauma i Dissenter, Warszawa "Progresja" 25.10.2005 (9.11.2005)
- Blitzkrieg III (Vader, Rotting Christ, Anorexia Nervosa i Lost Soul), Warszawa "Proxima" 5.09.2005 (19.09.2005)
- Christ Agony, Eternal Tear i Phantasmagoria, Warszawa "Progresja" 13.05.2005 (25.08.2005)
- Abusiveness, Sphere i Implicite, Warszawa "Progresja" 6.05.2005 (29.05.2005)
- Effect Murder, Sammath Naur, Deception, Method, Hekatomba, Warszawa "Progresja" 12.11.2004 (27.11.2004)
- Anthrax, Virgin Snatch, Warszawa "Proxima" 5.08.2004 (7.08.2004)
- Vader, Tuff Enuff, Syndicate, Warszawa "Stodoła" 23.11.1997 (27.11.1997)

recenzje płyt: (13)

- Bloodthorn "Genocide" (27.05.2006)
- Crown Of Thorns "Eternal Death" (29.01.1998)
- Dark Funeral "Attera Totus Sanctus" (22.12.2005)
- Limbonic Art "In Abhorrence Dementia" (30.01.1998)
- Lord Belial "Nocturnal Beast" (6.01.2006)
- Misanthrope "Visionnaire" (18.12.1997)
- Monstrosity "Rise To Power" (19.09.2004)
- Mork Gryning "Mork Gryning" (12.12.2005)
- Nightfall "Lesbian Show" (19.12.1997)
- Revelation of Doom "Unholy Goatfuck" (24.03.2006)
- Sphere "Spiritual Dope" (26.08.2004)
- Swordmaster "Postmortem Tales" (27.01.1998)
- Vital Remains "Forever Underground" (29.01.1998)

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