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Recenzje płyt A
- AaRON "Artificial Animals Riding On Neverland" (31.08.2011)
- Abbath "Abbath" (3.04.2016)
- Abigor "Supreme Immortal Art" (25.10.1998)
- Aborted "Slaughter & Apparatus: A Methodical Overture" (19.02.2009)
- Aborticide "Aggression On Sacredness" (21.05.2002)
- Abscess "Horrorhammer" (22.05.2007)
- Abscess "Seminal Vampires and Maggot Man" (5.12.1998)
- Abscess "Through The Cracks Of Death" (5.12.2002)
- Abscess "Seminal Vampires and Maggot Man" (5.12.1998)
- Abscess "Through The Cracks Of Death" (5.12.2002)
- Absolute Steel "Womanizer" (8.12.2005)
- Abused Majesty "...So Man Created God In His Own Image" (11.10.2009)
- Abused Majesty "Serpenthrone" (28.12.2004)
- Abused Majesty "Serpenthrone" (28.12.2004)
- Abyss "Divine light (demo)" (25.10.2000)
- AC/DC "Back In Black" (3.06.2000)
- AC/DC "Black Ice" (27.11.2008)
- AC/DC "Blow Up Your Video" (21.04.2012)
- AC/DC "Bonfire" (18.11.1997)
- AC/DC "Stiff Upper Lip" (6.03.2000)
- AC/DC "Black Ice" (27.11.2008)
- AC/DC "Blow Up Your Video" (21.04.2012)
- AC/DC "Bonfire" (18.11.1997)
- AC/DC "Stiff Upper Lip" (6.03.2000)
- The Accused "Oh Martha!" (19.06.2006)
- Acid Drinkers "25 Cents For A Riff" (24.10.2014)
- Acid Drinkers "Amazing Atomic Activity" (12.06.1999)
- Acid Drinkers "Are You A Rebel?" (8.07.2003)
- Acid Drinkers "Broken Head" (16.11.2000)
- Acid Drinkers "Dirty Money Dirty Tricks" (8.07.2003)
- Acid Drinkers "Fishdick Zwei - The Dick Is Rising Again" (7.09.2010)
- Acid Drinkers "High Proof Cosmic Milk" (5.05.1998)
- Acid Drinkers "Infernal Connection" (27.07.2000)
- Acid Drinkers "La Part Du Diable" (28.10.2012)
- Acid Drinkers "Rock Is Not Enough, Give Me The Metal" (20.12.2007)
- Acid Drinkers "Strip Tease" (16.07.2003)
- Acid Drinkers "Varran Strikes Back - Alive!!!" (19.11.1998)
- Acid Drinkers "Verses of Steel" (16.07.2008)
- Acid Drinkers "Verses of Steel" (16.07.2008)
- Acid Drinkers "Vile Vicious Vision" (22.07.2003)
- Acid Drinkers "Amazing Atomic Activity" (12.06.1999)
- Acid Drinkers "Are You A Rebel?" (8.07.2003)
- Acid Drinkers "Broken Head" (16.11.2000)
- Acid Drinkers "Dirty Money Dirty Tricks" (8.07.2003)
- Acid Drinkers "Fishdick Zwei - The Dick Is Rising Again" (7.09.2010)
- Acid Drinkers "High Proof Cosmic Milk" (5.05.1998)
- Acid Drinkers "Infernal Connection" (27.07.2000)
- Acid Drinkers "La Part Du Diable" (28.10.2012)
- Acid Drinkers "Rock Is Not Enough, Give Me The Metal" (20.12.2007)
- Acid Drinkers "Strip Tease" (16.07.2003)
- Acid Drinkers "Varran Strikes Back - Alive!!!" (19.11.1998)
- Acid Drinkers "Verses of Steel" (16.07.2008)
- Acid Drinkers "Verses of Steel" (16.07.2008)
- Acid Drinkers "Vile Vicious Vision" (22.07.2003)
- Adagio "Archangels in Black" (30.04.2009)
- Adder "First Bite" (5.06.2005)
- Advent "The Dawn" (17.05.2005)
- Aerosmith "Honkin' On Bobo" (29.07.2004)
- Aerosmith "Honkin' On Bobo" (7.09.2004)
- Aerosmith "Just Push Play" (14.10.2003)
- Aerosmith "Honkin' On Bobo" (7.09.2004)
- Aerosmith "Just Push Play" (14.10.2003)
- Aesthesia "Drawn To The Flame" (22.09.2004)
- Aeternus "...and so the night became" (29.09.1998)
- Afghan Whigs "Congregation" (13.12.2001)
- After All "The Vermin Breed" (11.08.2005)
- Agathodaimon "Higher Art Of Rebellion" (25.11.1999)
- Agents Of Man "Count Your Blessings" (19.03.2006)
- Aghora "Aghora" (21.10.2000)
- Aglarond "Across The Dark Night" (22.09.2005)
- Agnostic Front "Another Voice" (18.05.2005)
- The Agonist "Prisoners" (8.07.2012)
- Agony "My Turn To Die" (5.05.2006)
- Aion "Midian" (4.05.1998)
- Aion "Noia" (1.09.1999)
- Aion "Noia" (14.12.1999)
- Aion "Reconciliation" (12.02.2001)
- Aion "Reconciliation" (29.10.2001)
- Aion "Symbol" (10.10.2001)
- Aion "Symbol" (29.10.2001)
- Aion "Symbol" (2.04.2002)
- Aion "Noia" (1.09.1999)
- Aion "Noia" (14.12.1999)
- Aion "Reconciliation" (12.02.2001)
- Aion "Reconciliation" (29.10.2001)
- Aion "Symbol" (10.10.2001)
- Aion "Symbol" (29.10.2001)
- Aion "Symbol" (2.04.2002)
- Airged L'amh "The Silver Arm" (17.05.2005)
- Akercocke "Antichrist" (26.06.2007)
- Akercocke "Antichrist" (1.12.2007)
- Akercocke "Choronzon" (12.02.2004)
- Akercocke "Words That Go Unspoken, Deeds That Go Undone" (25.06.2006)
- Akercocke "Antichrist" (1.12.2007)
- Akercocke "Choronzon" (12.02.2004)
- Akercocke "Words That Go Unspoken, Deeds That Go Undone" (25.06.2006)
- Al Sirat "Kala" (14.07.2004)
- Alabama Shakes "Sound & Color" (26.11.2024)
- Alabama Thunderpussy "Open Fire" (9.06.2007)
- Alastor "Żyj, gnij i milcz" (8.11.1999)
- Alcest "Kodama" (15.02.2017)
- Alestorm "Captain Morgan's Revenge" (24.02.2008)
- Algeroth "Ogród Śmierci" (30.07.2004)
- Alice Cooper "Brutal Planet" (27.07.2000)
- Alice In Chains "Black Gives Way To Blue" (4.01.2010)
- Alice In Chains "Black Gives Way To Blue" (26.07.2010)
- Alice In Chains "The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here" (27.05.2013)
- Alice In Chains "Dirt" (9.01.2001)
- Alice In Chains "Facelift" (2.01.2009)
- Alice In Chains "Jar Of Flies" (9.01.2001)
- Alice In Chains "Live" (15.03.2010)
- Alice In Chains "Black Gives Way To Blue" (26.07.2010)
- Alice In Chains "The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here" (27.05.2013)
- Alice In Chains "Dirt" (9.01.2001)
- Alice In Chains "Facelift" (2.01.2009)
- Alice In Chains "Jar Of Flies" (9.01.2001)
- Alice In Chains "Live" (15.03.2010)
- Alkatraz "Error" (19.02.2002)
- All My Life "All My Life" (26.06.2007)
- Alpha Safari "Commercial Suicide" (10.09.2004)
- Alter Bridge "Blackbird" (21.05.2009)
- Amen "Gun of a Preacher Man" (28.06.2005)
- Amon Amarth "Fate Of Norns" (10.08.2004)
- Amon Duul II "Phallus Dei" (14.12.2000)
- Amorphis "Am Universum" (16.04.2001)
- Amorphis "The Beginning of Times" (6.05.2021)
- Amorphis "Black Winter Day" (29.06.2000)
- Amorphis "Elegy" (9.06.2000)
- Amorphis "The Karelian Isthmus" (3.06.2000)
- Amorphis "My Kantele" (9.06.2000)
- Amorphis "Silent Waters" (19.09.2007)
- Amorphis "Skyforger" (15.09.2009)
- Amorphis "Story - 10th Anniversary" (6.04.2002)
- Amorphis "Tales From The Thousand Lakes" (24.08.1998)
- Amorphis "Tales From The Thousand Lakes" (29.10.2000)
- Amorphis "Tuonela" (15.07.2000)
- Amorphis "Tuonela" (13.12.1999)
- Amorphis "Tuonela" (14.12.1999)
- Amorphis "The Beginning of Times" (6.05.2021)
- Amorphis "Black Winter Day" (29.06.2000)
- Amorphis "Elegy" (9.06.2000)
- Amorphis "The Karelian Isthmus" (3.06.2000)
- Amorphis "My Kantele" (9.06.2000)
- Amorphis "Silent Waters" (19.09.2007)
- Amorphis "Skyforger" (15.09.2009)
- Amorphis "Story - 10th Anniversary" (6.04.2002)
- Amorphis "Tales From The Thousand Lakes" (24.08.1998)
- Amorphis "Tales From The Thousand Lakes" (29.10.2000)
- Amorphis "Tuonela" (15.07.2000)
- Amorphis "Tuonela" (13.12.1999)
- Amorphis "Tuonela" (14.12.1999)
- Anal Cunt "It Just Gets Worse" (10.09.2000)
- Anal Stench "Stench Like Six Demons" (10.03.2003)
- Ananke "Malachity" (20.05.2010)
- Anathema "A fine day to exit" (17.10.2001)
- Anathema "A fine day to exit" (23.10.2001)
- Anathema "Alternative 4" (21.03.1999)
- Anathema "Alternative 4" (27.04.2000)
- Anathema "Eternity" (15.04.2000)
- Anathema "Falling Deeper" (25.09.2011)
- Anathema "Judgement" (19.08.1999)
- Anathema "Judgement" (14.12.1999)
- Anathema "Judgement" (13.03.2000)
- Anathema "A Natural Disaster" (19.03.2004)
- Anathema "Pentecost III" (7.01.2001)
- Anathema "Resonance" (23.10.2001)
- Anathema "Serenades" (15.04.2000)
- Anathema "The Silent Enigma" (23.12.1999)
- Anathema "The Silent Enigma" (21.10.1997)
- Anathema "The Optimist" (14.07.2017)
- Anathema "Weather Systems" (15.05.2012)
- Anathema "Weather Systems" (24.09.2012)
- Anathema "We're Here Because We're Here" (4.06.2010)
- Anathema "A fine day to exit" (23.10.2001)
- Anathema "Alternative 4" (21.03.1999)
- Anathema "Alternative 4" (27.04.2000)
- Anathema "Eternity" (15.04.2000)
- Anathema "Falling Deeper" (25.09.2011)
- Anathema "Judgement" (19.08.1999)
- Anathema "Judgement" (14.12.1999)
- Anathema "Judgement" (13.03.2000)
- Anathema "A Natural Disaster" (19.03.2004)
- Anathema "Pentecost III" (7.01.2001)
- Anathema "Resonance" (23.10.2001)
- Anathema "Serenades" (15.04.2000)
- Anathema "The Silent Enigma" (23.12.1999)
- Anathema "The Silent Enigma" (21.10.1997)
- Anathema "The Optimist" (14.07.2017)
- Anathema "Weather Systems" (15.05.2012)
- Anathema "Weather Systems" (24.09.2012)
- Anathema "We're Here Because We're Here" (4.06.2010)
- And Harmony Dies "Flames Everywhere" (15.06.2008)
- Ian Anderson "Rupi's Dance" (12.10.2003)
- Angel Dust "Enlighten The Darkness" (17.08.2002)
- Angel Dust "Of Human Bondage" (4.11.2002)
- Angel Dust "Of Human Bondage" (14.10.2003)
- Angel Dust "Of Human Bondage" (4.11.2002)
- Angel Dust "Of Human Bondage" (14.10.2003)
- Angelcorpse "Exterminate" (8.07.2010)
- Angelcorpse "Hammer Of Gods" (20.07.2010)
- Angelcorpse "The Inexorable" (10.10.2012)
- Angelcorpse "Hammer Of Gods" (20.07.2010)
- Angelcorpse "The Inexorable" (10.10.2012)
- Angra "Temple Of Shadows" (14.12.2004)
- Ankh "Ankh" (26.06.2001)
- Annihilator "Alice In Hell" (13.03.2000)
- Annihilator "Carnival Diablos" (24.08.2001)
- Annihilator "Criteria For A Black Widow" (22.11.1999)
- Annihilator "Criteria For A Black Widow" (12.07.1999)
- Annihilator "King of the Kill" (15.10.1999)
- Annihilator "Never, Neverland" (2.03.2014)
- Annihilator "Refresh The Demon" (21.04.2014)
- Annihilator "Remains" (15.10.1999)
- Annihilator "Set The World On Fire" (3.04.2014)
- Annihilator "Carnival Diablos" (24.08.2001)
- Annihilator "Criteria For A Black Widow" (22.11.1999)
- Annihilator "Criteria For A Black Widow" (12.07.1999)
- Annihilator "King of the Kill" (15.10.1999)
- Annihilator "Never, Neverland" (2.03.2014)
- Annihilator "Refresh The Demon" (21.04.2014)
- Annihilator "Remains" (15.10.1999)
- Annihilator "Set The World On Fire" (3.04.2014)
- Anorexia Nervosa "Drudenhaus" (23.08.2001)
- Ansur "Axiom" (7.04.2007)
- Anti Tank Nun "Hang'em High" (18.08.2012)
- Antichrisis "A Legacy Of Love" (5.03.1999)
- Antigama "Meteor" (5.07.2013)
- Antigama "Resonance" (9.07.2007)
- Antigama "Zeroland" (12.01.2006)
- Antigama "Resonance" (9.07.2007)
- Antigama "Zeroland" (12.01.2006)
- Antimatter "Leaving Eden" (7.09.2007)
- Antimatter "Saviour" (30.11.2001)
- Antimatter "The Judas Table" (1.05.2016)
- Antimatter "Saviour" (30.11.2001)
- Antimatter "The Judas Table" (1.05.2016)
- Antler "Nothing that a Bullet Couldn't Cure" (24.07.2006)
- Anvil of Doom "Died Before Dawn" (31.10.2003)
- Apocalyptica "Apocalyptica plays Metallica by four cellos" (3.02.1998)
- Apocalyptica "Apocalyptica plays Metallica by four cellos" (22.07.2001)
- Apocalyptica "Reflections" (23.09.2003)
- Apocalyptica "Reflections" (1.04.2004)
- Apocalyptica "Apocalyptica plays Metallica by four cellos" (22.07.2001)
- Apocalyptica "Reflections" (23.09.2003)
- Apocalyptica "Reflections" (1.04.2004)
- Apteka "Spirala" (10.09.2007)
- Arallu "Satanic War In Jerusalem" (3.09.2003)
- Arch Enemy "A Collection Of Rare & Unreleased Songs From The Arch Enemy Vault" (2.05.2002)
- Arch Enemy "Anthems Of Rebellion" (1.09.2003)
- Arch Enemy "Black Earth" (26.05.2000)
- Arch Enemy "Burning Bridges" (26.05.2000)
- Arch Enemy "Burning Japan" (27.10.2000)
- Arch Enemy "Khaos Legions" (28.05.2014)
- Arch Enemy "Rise of the Tyrant" (14.10.2007)
- Arch Enemy "Stigmata" (26.05.2000)
- Arch Enemy "Wages Of Sin" (26.04.2002)
- Arch Enemy "Anthems Of Rebellion" (1.09.2003)
- Arch Enemy "Black Earth" (26.05.2000)
- Arch Enemy "Burning Bridges" (26.05.2000)
- Arch Enemy "Burning Japan" (27.10.2000)
- Arch Enemy "Khaos Legions" (28.05.2014)
- Arch Enemy "Rise of the Tyrant" (14.10.2007)
- Arch Enemy "Stigmata" (26.05.2000)
- Arch Enemy "Wages Of Sin" (26.04.2002)
- Archangelica "Archangelica" (14.10.2007)
- Archeon "End Of The Weakness" (26.07.2005)
- Architects "Daybreaker" (31.05.2012)
- Arctic Monkeys "AM" (29.10.2013)
- Arctic Monkeys "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not" (30.12.2024)
- Arctic Monkeys "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not" (30.12.2024)
- Arcturus "Arcturian" (29.01.2016)
- Arcturus "Aspera hiems symfonia" (15.04.2000)
- Arcturus "Aspera hiems symfonia" (8.05.2000)
- Arcturus "Disgiused Masters" (27.05.2000)
- Arcturus "Disgiused Masters" (8.05.2000)
- Arcturus "La Masquerade Infernale" (28.12.1999)
- Arcturus "La Masquerade Infernale" (27.04.2000)
- Arcturus "La Masquerade Infernale" (21.01.2002)
- Arcturus "The Sham Mirrors" (13.09.2002)
- Arcturus "The Sham Mirrors" (1.04.2004)
- Arcturus "Aspera hiems symfonia" (15.04.2000)
- Arcturus "Aspera hiems symfonia" (8.05.2000)
- Arcturus "Disgiused Masters" (27.05.2000)
- Arcturus "Disgiused Masters" (8.05.2000)
- Arcturus "La Masquerade Infernale" (28.12.1999)
- Arcturus "La Masquerade Infernale" (27.04.2000)
- Arcturus "La Masquerade Infernale" (21.01.2002)
- Arcturus "The Sham Mirrors" (13.09.2002)
- Arcturus "The Sham Mirrors" (1.04.2004)
- Arena "Contagion" (25.05.2009)
- Arena "Contagious" (25.05.2009)
- Arena "Contagium" (25.05.2009)
- Arena "Double Vision" (22.09.2019)
- Arena "Immortal?" (2.09.2000)
- Arena "Immortal?" (11.04.2009)
- Arena "Pepper's Ghost" (7.12.2009)
- Arena "Pride" (8.05.2000)
- Arena "The Seventh Degree Of Separation" (27.11.2011)
- Arena "The Unquiet Sky" (30.09.2015)
- Arena "Visitor" (18.01.1999)
- Arena "Welcome To The Stage" (17.10.1998)
- Arena "Contagious" (25.05.2009)
- Arena "Contagium" (25.05.2009)
- Arena "Double Vision" (22.09.2019)
- Arena "Immortal?" (2.09.2000)
- Arena "Immortal?" (11.04.2009)
- Arena "Pepper's Ghost" (7.12.2009)
- Arena "Pride" (8.05.2000)
- Arena "The Seventh Degree Of Separation" (27.11.2011)
- Arena "The Unquiet Sky" (30.09.2015)
- Arena "Visitor" (18.01.1999)
- Arena "Welcome To The Stage" (17.10.1998)
- Arise "The Beautiful New World" (12.08.2005)
- Armagedon "Death Then Nothing" (2.05.2009)
- Armia "Antiarmia" (12.02.2001)
- Armia "Czas i byt" (6.11.2004)
- Armia "Der Prozess" (17.02.2009)
- Armia "Legenda (reedycja)" (6.11.2004)
- Armia "Pocałunek mongolskiego księcia" (5.10.2004)
- Armia "Triodante (reedycja)" (6.11.2004)
- Armia "Czas i byt" (6.11.2004)
- Armia "Der Prozess" (17.02.2009)
- Armia "Legenda (reedycja)" (6.11.2004)
- Armia "Pocałunek mongolskiego księcia" (5.10.2004)
- Armia "Triodante (reedycja)" (6.11.2004)
- Art Of Abyssus "Kingdom" (29.04.2002)
- Art Of Illusion "Round Square Of The Triangle" (1.04.2019)
- Artension "Sacred Pathways" (4.07.2002)
- Artrosis "Fetish" (17.05.2001)
- Artrosis "Fetish" (8.06.2001)
- Artrosis "Fetish" (12.09.2001)
- Artrosis "Fetish" (12.09.2001)
- Artrosis "Imago" (24.12.2011)
- Artrosis "Imago" (30.05.2012)
- Artrosis "In The Flowers' Shade" (24.10.2000)
- Artrosis "Pośród Kwiatów i Cieni" (13.12.1999)
- Artrosis "Pośród Kwiatów i Cieni" (30.12.1999)
- Artrosis "Pośród Kwiatów i Cieni" (30.01.2000)
- Artrosis "Pośród Kwiatów i Cieni" (29.10.2001)
- Artrosis "Ukryty wymiar" (9.04.2000)
- Artrosis "Ukryty wymiar" (31.01.1998)
- Artrosis "Ukryty wymiar" (3.02.1998)
- Artrosis "W Imię Nocy" (9.12.1999)
- Artrosis "W Imię Nocy" (24.10.2000)
- Artrosis "Fetish" (8.06.2001)
- Artrosis "Fetish" (12.09.2001)
- Artrosis "Fetish" (12.09.2001)
- Artrosis "Imago" (24.12.2011)
- Artrosis "Imago" (30.05.2012)
- Artrosis "In The Flowers' Shade" (24.10.2000)
- Artrosis "Pośród Kwiatów i Cieni" (13.12.1999)
- Artrosis "Pośród Kwiatów i Cieni" (30.12.1999)
- Artrosis "Pośród Kwiatów i Cieni" (30.01.2000)
- Artrosis "Pośród Kwiatów i Cieni" (29.10.2001)
- Artrosis "Ukryty wymiar" (9.04.2000)
- Artrosis "Ukryty wymiar" (31.01.1998)
- Artrosis "Ukryty wymiar" (3.02.1998)
- Artrosis "W Imię Nocy" (9.12.1999)
- Artrosis "W Imię Nocy" (24.10.2000)
- As We Fight "Black Nails and Bloody Wrists" (12.08.2005)
- Asaf Avidan & The Mojos "Through The Gale" (14.06.2012)
- ASG "Blood Drive" (13.11.2013)
- Asgaard "Ad Sidera, Ad Infinitum" (18.01.2001)
- Asgaard "Ex Oriente Lux" (10.10.2001)
- Asgaard "Ex Oriente Lux" (29.10.2001)
- Asgaard "Ex Oriente Lux" (24.11.2001)
- Asgaard "When the Twilight Set in Again" (10.01.2000)
- Asgaard "Ex Oriente Lux" (10.10.2001)
- Asgaard "Ex Oriente Lux" (29.10.2001)
- Asgaard "Ex Oriente Lux" (24.11.2001)
- Asgaard "When the Twilight Set in Again" (10.01.2000)
- Asgaroth "Red Shift" (13.11.2002)
- Ashes Divide "Keep Telling Myself It's Alright" (14.11.2008)
- Asia "Aura" (3.09.2001)
- Assailant "Nemesis Within" (19.10.2006)
- At Vance "Dragonchaser" (26.07.2002)
- Atlas "Ukko" (24.12.2021)
- Atrocity "Werk 80" (28.01.1998)
- Atrophia Red Sun "Fears" (11.02.2000)
- Au4 "On: Audio" (25.08.2012)
- Audioslave "Audioslave" (22.01.2003)
- Audrey Horne "No Hay Banda" (2.11.2005)
- Augury "Fragmentary Evidence" (22.09.2009)
- Aura Noir "The Merciless" (25.11.2004)
- Avatar (Szwecja) "Thoughts Of No Tomorrow" (4.02.2007)
- Avulsed "Cybergore" (14.12.2000)
- Axiom "A Moment Of Insanity" (7.04.2005)
- Axis Of Advance "The List" (3.03.2003)
- Ayreon "The Human Equation" (29.07.2004)
- Azarath "Infernal Blasting" (23.08.2004)
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